Project aims:
We aim to adapt an existing intervention which was originally developed to reduce the number of unnecessary medicines older people with frailty were on in a primary care setting, to be applicable for older people living in care homes.
What you told us:
After conversations with relatives of care home residents we found out that they supported reducing medicines of their relatives in care homes, but did not know how they could contribute to the process as they had very little knowledge of medicines.
What we did next:
We are in the process of carrying out interviews with residents, their friends and family, care home staff and healthcare professionals to understand how the intervention should be adapted to suit the preferences of those living in care homes. Key ideas that arise during these interviews will then be discussed during a series of workshops involving all stakeholder groups, during which, changes to the intervention will be agreed upon.
Final or key finding:
This work is ongoing, and we are continuing to involve care home residents, their relatives, care home staff and other healthcare professionals that support care homes to help adapt this intervention.
What does this mean:
This intervention may help to reduce the amount of unnecessary medicines older people living in care homes are prescribed. This may reduce levels of frailty e.g. falls and other negative health outcomes linked to being on too many medicines. By including the preferences and needs of care home residents, their relatives, care home staff and other healthcare professionals that support care homes, we hope to develop an intervention that is deemed acceptable for use by all involved in care homes.